Yoga & Meditation

Sometimes, we meticulously plan ahead and yet no matter how hard we try, nothing goes well and we end up having a bad day. A bad day here and there is ...


Life starts out slow but as you age time speeds up. It’s easy to get lost in a moment. All it takes is a blink of an eye for years to flash past us. If you ...


You probably spend your whole day in front of electronic devices, working hard, and having difficult conversations. By the time you get home, you’re beat. ...


We spend our lives being taught to go after what we want at all costs. Bust down doors, beg and plead, and work hard to get everything you want in life. But ...


About 10 years ago, my whole world turned upside down. All the stable ground under my feet disappeared overnight. Like that magician deftly whipping a ...


An elderly friend of mine once said to me, “Aging isn’t for sissies.” She was talking mainly about the physical difficulties of getting older, and ...


Video Audio In this guided meditation, we engage with different mindfulness practices to prepare for ...


People are at their best when they go out of their way to do the little things for others. Whether it’s mowing your neighbors lawn when doing yours or ...


We all say we want a stress-free life. However, a life without stress would be meaningless. Living in a utopian world would eventually cause people to ...


With more people glued to their phones than ever before, it’s hard to make a real, in-person connection with someone we meet. Finding time to connect people ...


Meditation can be transformative, giving you more clarity over the life you lead and lifting you out of negative mindsets for a lighter, brighter way of ...


Having a good day doesn’t need to seem like an impossible task. Even if you have moments where things don’t go your way, or as planned, it’s still possible ...

Mental Healings