Yoga & Meditation

What Does Self Love Look Like? I know. The idea of self-love doesn’t sit so well with our Western sensibilities. But it hits on a topic that ...


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) has made waves in therapeutic circles for its ability to heal people. Even those who don’t have a mental illness ...


One of the first things we learn on the path of meditation is that desire is an obstacle to our progress. And its inverse, avoidance (aversion), is an ...


Break The Cycle of Self-Criticism In mindfulness circles, there’s a popular story about an encounter with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.  It goes ...


Internet addiction is on the rise. With more people in front of screens than ever before, being glued to your phone, tablet or laptop is the new normal. But ...


You can’t control what happens to you in life, but you can control how you react to it. Understanding this fully will free you from a lifetime of misery. ...


The Life-Changing Magic of a Morning Meditation Ritual Imagine this for a moment. You wake up and the first thing that comes to mind is not your ...


You’re only given one life to make the most of. You’ve got one shot to go after your dreams, achieve the things you want, and find joy in your decisions. ...


In this rapid-paced, hyper-connected age, one of the most common refrains heard around the world is, “Why am I always tired?” It’s a puzzling question. Our ...


Guided Focused Awareness Meditation Guided Meditation Audio Guided Meditation Video ...


Meeting a stranger’s gaze and taking the plunge to initiate a conversation can be one of life’s most subtly daunting challenges. Our heartbeats might ...


Several years ago, someone told me about a reference to the Dalai Lama that had appeared in fake (prop) newspapers in two old Hollywood movies: “Reefer ...

Mental Healings