Yoga & Meditation

Bodhipaksa has been meditating since 1982 and teaching since around 1989. He is a Buddhist practitioner and teacher, a member of the Triratna Buddhist ...

One of the things that struck me as odd when I first encountered the Buddha’s teachings was the terms he used when he discussed living ethically or morally: ...

With so many people glued to screens every day, we’re all becoming a bit more disconnected from each other, comparing our lives to others just a bit more, ...

You probably spend your whole day in front of electronic devices, working hard, and having difficult conversations. By the time you get home, you’re beat. ...

Life starts out slow but as you age time speeds up. It’s easy to get lost in a moment. All it takes is a blink of an eye for years to flash past us. If you ...

Sometimes, we meticulously plan ahead and yet no matter how hard we try, nothing goes well and we end up having a bad day. A bad day here and there is ...

Meeting a stranger’s gaze and taking the plunge to initiate a conversation can be one of life’s most subtly daunting challenges. Our heartbeats might ...

Overcoming addiction is a challenging journey that’s more than worth taking. If you’re wondering how to overcome addiction, you’re in the right place.  ...

In this rapid-paced, hyper-connected age, one of the most common refrains heard around the world is, “Why am I always tired?” It’s a puzzling question. Our ...

On the way to enlightenment, the Buddha-to-be spent many years avoiding pleasure and strengthening his ability to tolerate discomfort. Along with many other ...

You’re only given one life to make the most of. You’ve got one shot to go after your dreams, achieve the things you want, and find joy in your decisions. ...

You can’t control what happens to you in life, but you can control how you react to it. Understanding this fully will free you from a lifetime of misery. ...