Yoga & Meditation
Show Notes Leap X Consulting The Flow Research Collective The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler The Rise of Superman by ...
There are 5 things that we all need to carry in our self-care tool box. This was one powerful lesson that came out of the death doula training I recently ...
Noel’s meditation buddyNoel Coakley is a psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and former elementary school special educator. He has studied Tibetan ...
At the heart of meditation practice, there’s a compelling koan. A paradox that creates positive tension inside of us. In the simplest terms, it’s this. ...
How do you bring your mindfulness meditation practice into your active life? There’s a simple exercise to do this. Take a moment and reflect on this ...
Body Scan Guided Meditation During the recent 10-Day Meditation Challenge, we took a tour through several different meditation techniques. And I ...
In a meditation practice, having a focal point can help you stay present. After all, sitting quietly and focusing on the present can sometimes lead to a ...
As a new year is about to start, it’s time to reflect on our past and make way for new things and new beginnings. No matter what challenges you’ve come ...
You are worthy. You might not always feel like you are, though. People may even actively make you feel the opposite of worthy. But that doesn’t change ...
It’s so common to compare ourselves with others, especially due to the popularity of social media. Comparison can cause us to constantly want to live large ...
The Pay It Forward movement is an international initative to spread kindness and compassion to others in our daily interactions as much as we can. Acts of ...
There are two ways to deal with a breakup: the healthy way and the unhealthy way. The unhealthy way to deal with a breakup is by calling your ex, stalking ...