Health & Wellness

In November of 1901, a young German psychiatrist and neuroanatomist, Alois Alzheimer, found what appeared to be misfolded proteins forming sticky clumps, or ...


After Cherie Binns had breakthrough multiple sclerosis symptoms while being treated with an interferon drug, she weighed her options carefully. In the end, ...


Each of us has an innate sleep style that can affect every part of our lives, from personal to professional. Figuring out yours can help you get the most ...


Conceiving a child in the next five to 10 years might look like something out of a science fiction movie. Source link


When Jennifer Merritt’s tween daughter, Lila, needed treatment for severe depression and anxiety, she turned to her insurance. It was a struggle and took ...


By Amy Norton HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Feb. 7, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Vitamin D supplements are typically used to guard against bone loss and fractures, ...


Feb. 6, 2023 – City dwellers who visited parks, community gardens, or other green spaces often were less likely to need medications for depression, high ...


Feb. 3, 2023 – When I was a child, I watched syndicated episodes of the original Star Trek. I was dazzled by the space travel, sure, but also the medical ...


Photo Credit: diovp / Getty ImagesSOURCES:Arti Madhavan, MD, specialist-in-chief of family medicine, Detroit Medical Center.Luci Leykum, MD, chief clinical ...


By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, Feb. 3, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- While COVID-19 variants Alpha, Gamma and Delta are no longer circulating among ...


By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterTHURSDAY, Feb. 2, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- If your dog is bigger, male and a purebred, it may get a diagnosis of cancer ...


Feb. 1, 2023 – It’s the end of an era. The Biden administration announced Monday that it will be ending the twin COVID-19 emergency declarations, marking a ...

Mental Healings