The Finders Course, Permanent Enlightenment, & Fundamental Wellbeing with Dr. Jeffery Martin

OM094 - The Finder's Course, Permanent Enlightenment, & Fundamental Wellbeing with Dr. Jeffery Martin


Dr. Jeffery Martin is a founder of the Transformative Technology space, serial entrepreneur and social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being. He spent the last 10 years conducting the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE), which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of others. More recently, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way.

His research began with over 1,000 individuals who claimed to experience PNSE. This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types experience. It also led to the fundamental discovery that these were psychological states that had been identified and adopted for thousands of years by many cultures and belief systems. They were not inherently spiritual or religious, or limited to any given culture or population, and could be molded in many ways to shape the experience.

Jeffery’s current work involves helping people use what’s been learned to make the life-changing transformation into PNSE. His most recent study achieved strong validation, with approximately 73% of participants who successfully completed the program reaching ongoing non-symbolic experience in less than 4 months ( His interest in Transformative Technology comes from a belief that findings like his can be translated into mass consumer technologies and affect billions of lives worldwide. Since 2008 he has worked to bring together the stakeholders from academia, technology, business, finance, and public policy to create a sustainable technology space that dramatically improves human well-being.


The Finder’s Book by Dr. Jeffery Martin
End of your World by Adyashanti


Jeffery’s Website
Finder’s Course
Explorer’s Course (Free Mini Course)
Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness
Tranformative Technology Conference
Arnaud Delorme


The Meditation for Life Mini Course

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